Negev | Lionfish


  • Weapon Type:
  • Introduced:
    18 Feb 2018
  • Creator:
    Workshop Submission
  • Designer:
  • Workshop Submission Details:
  • Finish Style:
  • Finish Name:
  • Finish Catalogue:
  • Popularity:
  • Wear Range:
    0 - 0.55
  • Rating:
  • Grade:
  • Skin Quality:
  • Colours:
  • Professional Players:
    kennyS, KRIMZ,

Negev Lionfish Information

Negev | Lionfish is a beast that can keep the enemies away using its suppressive pin-point fire though you need time to control it. This skin is spray painted using the randomized lionfish pattern over it.

The Lionfish weapon comes with 90% popularity and ranges as a leading item to the CS: GO product list. It is listed amongst the 42 other Machinegun skins and holds a Restricted rarity rate. This weapon comes with an estimated drop chance of 15.98%.

The float value for Negev lies from 0.00 to 0.55, making it readily available in various exteriors. Negev | Lionfish weapon is painted in the ‘Spray Paint’ style and has numerous coats of stencil patterns. The gun comprises a red tint to it.


The Negev | Lionfish was initially released on 4 years back, on February 14th, 2018, to the CS: GO list. It originated along with the Clutch Case and with the ‘Welcome to the Clutch’ update. A renowned community designer ‘PTP’ created this weapon. One can obtain it as a part of The Clutch Collection.

Skin Pricing

The cost of Negev | Lionfish ranges from $0.20 and $1.86, making it an inexpensive purchase for avid gamers. Professional CS: GO players like Kennys and Krimz own this skin.