Operation Riptide Case

Operation Riptide Case

Browse and buy all CS:GO items which the professional player Operation Riptide Case has in their Steam inventory. In order to present you only the skins, stickers and agents that Operation Riptide Case currently owns, this list is automatically updated. Operation Riptide Case introduced 22 September 2021

All CS:GO Operation Riptide Case Items.

Huntsman Knife | Freehand

Butterfly Knife | Gamma Doppler

Huntsman Knife | Bright Water

Five-SeveN | Boost Protocol

Butterfly Knife | Autotronic

MAG-7 | BI83 Spectrum

Butterfly Knife | Black Laminate

Shadow Daggers | Gamma Doppler

Butterfly Knife | Freehand

Shadow Daggers | Autotronic

Butterfly Knife | Bright Water

Shadow Daggers | Black Laminate

Shadow Daggers | Freehand

Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler

Shadow Daggers | Bright Water

Dual Berettas | Tread

Falchion Knife | Autotronic

Falchion Knife | Black Laminate

Desert Eagle | Ocean Drive

Falchion Knife | Freehand

Falchion Knife | Bright Water

Glock-18 | Snack Attack

Bowie Knife | Gamma Doppler

Bowie Knife | Autotronic

Huntsman Knife | Gamma Doppler

Bowie Knife | Black Laminate

Huntsman Knife | Autotronic

Huntsman Knife | Black Laminate

Bowie Knife | Bright Water